January Update
What's New?
Discount Features: You can now apply discount codes to any type of billing (semi-annual, annual, etc.). Example: If you choose minecraft dirt and choose the semi-annual payment option, you can apply the code WINTERPROMO2324 to reduce your payment from $10 to $5, which will be paid semi-annual(every 6 months).
Promotional Features: We have adjusted prices on quarterly, semi-annual, annual and triennially payments. For example if you buy Minecraft Stone - $3.99/month then if you buy it for 3 months it comes out that you paid $11.97. If you choose to pay once every 3 months, you will pay $10.99. If you choose to pay for more than one month, the price will be automatically discounted.
Beta User Features: You can Upgrade/Cancel your plan. The Upgrade feature is still in beta, but using it, you can upgrade your plan to a bigger one and only paying the difference. For example if you have Minecraft Dirt ( 1.99$ ) and you want to go to Minecraft Stone ( 3.99$ ), you will pay 2$.
A New Beta Plan: Minecraft Customizable. With this plan you can select how much ram, ssd, cpu, etc you need. This plan will come to other games in the future! https://hosting.legioneo.net/checkout/config/98
A change in Prices: many plans have received discounts, others have become more expensive, and others have received more resources.
Back-End: New Optimizations and features for admins, and backend development. Bugs fixed regarding the Affiliate Program!
> Neo Hosting: https://hosting.legioneo.net/
Have a nice day!